Are Protein Skimmers Necessary In An Aquarium?

Are Protein Skimmers Necessary In An Aquarium?

Protein skimmers are used in saltwater aquariums to remove protein foam and oil biofilm. However, they aren’t necessary for the success of your fish tank and can be used as a supplemental filtration device. As side benefits, it helps oxygenate the water, provides efficient gas exchange, and reduces one’s reliance on frequent water changes. Overall,…

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How To Remove Scratches From Aquarium Glass: A Quick Guide

No matter how careful you are with your aquarium, scratches are inevitable. They could easily ruin the aesthetic appeal of the aquarium you have passionately worked on. Usually, the scratches on the front panel are most annoying because that’s always in plain sight. You can’t unsee it! If you have got the same situation where…

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How To Change Aquarium Filter Without Losing Bacteria?

An aquarium filter is responsible for cleansing the water in your tank, and over time, the filter grows helpful bacteria that it circulates throughout the aquarium. Unfortunately, when you change your filter, you can lose these beneficial organisms, which can be detrimental to the health of your fish. To change an aquarium filter without losing…